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Today’s online marketplace is an extremely competitive one. Brands in all areas of the world, in all industries, must rely on a number of factors to ensure they can retain and grow their customer base. 

One of the most important of these factors is your organization’s website. For many, it is the first impression they will receive of your brand. What they see on your website can mean the difference between converting them to customers or losing them to competitors.

Have you noticed that a significant portion of your website traffic has not been successfully converted to solid leads or sales? There could be a variety of reasons why. Consider the following when trying to determine why your website visitors aren’t converting.

1. No/Very Few Visitors

If your website is fairly new, don’t be alarmed if you don’t have a lot of visitors. It can take time to rank high in search engines and drive traffic. But if your website has been around for quite some time and you are disappointed in the number of people visiting, try the following to boost traffic and improve online visibility.

  • Increase your social media presence by posting on social media platforms, building followers, and engaging with your audience.
  • Make sure your website is optimized for search engines - as this will make all the difference in search engine visibility and rankings.
  • Conduct a digital marketing campaign to attract more traffic via searches related to other keywords.
  • Use analytics to see how your current SEO efforts are impacting your traffic and what keywords are bringing in visitors organically. If it’s not significant or growing at a good pace, you could be using the wrong keywords, and methods to drive traffic.

2. Visitors Don’t Like Your Website

If your bounce rate is fairly high, it could mean that visitors just don’t like the look of your website. Maybe it is outdated, hard to navigate, or information is difficult to find. The overall aesthetic could also just be rather displeasing to the eye. Are there too many ads or popups? That could definitely turn visitors away.

Consider your website from the eyes of the consumer. How does it appear to you? If you need more insight, conduct surveys so you can really get to the root of the problem and fix it. Ideally, you want to create a website that makes a great first impression with a warm, intuitive design that has an engaging and compelling user experience.

3. Your Users Don’t Know Where to Convert (No Clear Call to Action)

Your website could be user-friendly with engaging and quality content, but without a clear and concise call-to-action, you simply won’t convert many visitors. You need to offer visitors compelling content and a reason to want to follow the call-to-action, which must also be clearly visible and appealing.

Additionally, make sure contact info is easy to find so that those who want to contact your organization can do so with minimal fuss.

4. You’re Providing a Poor Mobile Experience

If your website isn’t available in a responsive mobile design, you are behind the times. Currently, over 70% of Internet access and website browsing is done via mobile devices. Failure to have a version of your website that has been designed specifically for mobile viewing would mean marginalizing a substantial portion of your customer base and, in turn, decreasing your conversion rate.

A good mobile site has a few key elements you should take note of:

  • Use large and easily legible text
  • Use short paragraphs
  • Make sure that every key feature is just a “tap” away
  • Have a single call-to-action

5. You Have a Slow Site

It’s 2019—consumers expect everything fast, fast, fast! And that includes your website. Every second counts on a website—40% of your visitors will leave your site if a page takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Some of the reasons your site may be loading slowly include:

  • Sizes of some of the files are too large, or even the size of the site itself
  • Not using caching properly
  • Poor and messy code
  • WordPress or CMS websites that have been hacked together over time and overly complex/bulky as a result
  • The site isn’t optimized for mobile

6. You Aren’t Targeting the Right People

You may have optimized your website for search engines, but if your keywords don’t accurately reflect what your brand’s products or services are, or how your target audience searches, you’re likely attracting the wrong people. Conduct thorough research to make sure that you use the right keywords to attract high-quality leads.

7. You Aren’t Speaking to Your Audience

It’s vitally important to know who your audience is, and their wants and needs, in order to craft an effectively engaging website, the copy contained on that website, and subsequent landing pages. If you fail to use a voice, tone, and keywords that strongly resonate with your target audience, it is unlikely that visitors will be converted to sales or opportunities.

To gain a better understanding of your audience, develop personas and try to imagine having a conversation with your clientele. How can your organization’s products/services help your clients alleviate their problems? Consider their lives outside of this one engagement or transaction. This method of thinking could help to create engaging copy that speaks to your users more successfully.

8. You’re Not Proving That You’re Trustworthy

There are many ways that you can establish your brand as an experienced and favored organization in the industry. From showcasing positive customer reviews and testimonials to displaying credible badges and accreditation, the goal is to increase trust and build brand loyalty. This not only helps to increase conversions but also serves to retain and grow your customer base.

Other brands in your industry are constantly striving to build their own audience and grow their share of the target market. If you don’t want to get left behind, you must take the extra time to dive into the performance of your website and understand what content will really engage its audience. It is vitally important that you deliver a web experience that is pleasant, responsive, targeted, and conveys a clear CTA. Success means more than having visitors land on your page, it means converting those visitors into solid leads or sales. Don’t miss out on any more leads by ensuring that you aim for success with these methods.

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