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Social Media Marketing

It’s no stretch to say that social media marketing has transformed how people buy from, connect with, and discover brands today. The average American adult spends 2.5 hours a day on social media, and over 70% of users will recommend a business if they have had a positive experience with them on social media.

There is great potential for businesses to share their diversifying factors in genuine, unique ways on these platforms in a way that was impossible beforehand. By creating a brand presence on social media, you become a more active participant in the market.

One of the reasons social media marketing is so effective is that it allows brands to show themselves for who they are, and share the distinct personality of the business they represent.

Many businesses struggle with maximizing their social media marketing efforts, leaving untapped reach on the table for competitors. This issue persists when they are looking for professionals, from both a networking or recruiting perspective. Some sites restrict the style or manner in which you can express content effectively, which can further compound the situation.

Our approach advocates for consistent, reputable representation on all platforms to ensure your brand maximizes every point of brand contact. We perform rigorous competitive analysis to determine how businesses use social media for marketing in your niche, setting you up to look your best.

Early on, we’ll audit your current strategy and discover which platforms make the most sense for you. Many businesses falter in their social media by trying to be everywhere at once. While having some presence on all platforms is a common practice, it’s key to leverage the platforms with the greatest opportunities for your audience. Our agency spends an exhaustive amount of time determining how to approach each platform in a way that is going to be successful.

We put this all together and develop an overarching strategy, including a content calendar which we collaborate on with your internal team to craft messaging on various platforms in advance. This allows us to systematically create a backlog of quality content, and prevent any last-minute scrambles for content. The best ideas are honed over time and through productive meetings, where we learn your individual brand voice and how to best communicate it on each channel.

Our design team develops all the creative assets needed to bring your campaigns to life. Whether it’s video, social media infographics, instagram reels, or something else entirely, our agency will translate your brand effectively while preserving it’s key qualities.

Next, we define a budget that makes sense. We work closely with marketing and sales teams to understand the value of a lead on social media. Some companies prioritize brand awareness, while others are looking for direct response. It’s important to distinguish the particular goals your company values, and incorporate a strategic mix of posts tailored to these objectives.

We ensure our social media marketing efforts result in trackable key performance indicators. When it comes to promoting businesses, social media is not something you “just do.” We ask the important questions: what is social media ultimately going to do for your sales and reputation? How do you properly measure social media marketing success? We operate with the understanding that initiatives will be tied back to metrics, learned from, and incorporating insights into future communication. It’s how we are able to consistently utilize social media as an effective marketing tool.

Social media is an opportunity to be a more interactive, personable brand. Make sure you’re present where your target audience is, and engage them in either crucial conversations or places they frequent. To do this all in a way where it’s going to mean something at the end of the day for your bottom line, reach out to us.